8 Verses Most Christians Would Never Guess Come from the Book of Mormon

Over the years, I have had many friends from other faiths sincerely question whether Mormons are Christians. I believe their questions often arise because of Latter-day Saints’ distinct belief in the Book of Mormon as additional scripture. Mormons love and revere the Bible as the word of God. We regularly study both the Old and New Testaments in our families and in our church meetings. Our belief in the Book of Mormon as an additional witness of Jesus Christ takes nothing away from the Bible and is not associated with any perceived inadequacies in the Bible. Instead, the Book of Mormon complements the Bible and supports its teachings. 

I am grateful for the Book of Mormon's powerful witness of Jesus Christ and for the way my life has been blessed by its teachings. I have read the Book of Mormon many times and feel strengthened each time I open its marvelous pages. This week, we highlight 8 verses that most Christians would never guess come from the Book of Mormon. Notice the way each verse testifies of the divinity of the Lord Jesus Christ and His mission. If you are interested, please request a free copy of the Book of Mormon on our website.