Is Your Financial House in Order? A Simple Checklist for Latter-day Saint Families

In a memorable General Conference address in October 1998, President Gordon B. Hinckley advised members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints around the world that “the time has come to get our houses in order.” In the years since President Hinckley’s remarks, the United States has endured two economic recessions, including the most severe recession of the post-World-War-II era. But did you realize that in every decade since the 1930s, the U.S. has experienced at least one and in some cases two recessions? When difficult financial or economic conditions arise, having your financial house in order will allow your family to weather the storm.

Below is a simple checklist to help you assess whether your family’s financial house is in order:

6 Reasons Why I Believe in Jesus Christ and in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

1.     I believe in Jesus Christ because God has answered my prayers. Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are strongly encouraged to pray to God for personal inspiration regarding the reality of Jesus Christ and whether the claims made by the church and prophets are true. When I was ten years old, I prayed and asked Heavenly Father if the church was true and if the experiences recounted by Joseph Smith really happened. God answered my prayer by sending an incredible feeling of warmth, peace, and joy into my heart. He confirmed the truth of those things to me. Since that time, I have had numerous other confirmations of those truths. Most notably, I received many confirmations of my faith when I served as a missionary. During that time I would teach about the experience of the Prophet Joseph Smith seeing God the Father and His son Jesus Christ. When I would explain this experience and recite Joseph’s words, I always received an additional confirming witness in my heart.

5 Gifts Mom Really Wants For Mothers’ Day

It’s May, which means your inbox and social media feeds, like mine, are probably full of “helpful suggestions” for what to get your mom for Mothers’ Day. But before you buy that “priceless” bracelet or send that edible bouquet, you may want to ask yourself what mom really wants from you this year. Knowing I would be writing the post this week, I did just that; and I even solicited the help of three mothers in my life—my wife, my mother-in-law, and my own mother. Below are 5 “wants” you should consider as you try to find that perfect gift.