Ready or not, the school year is back! If you’re like most
people, that means life is about to get a whole lot busier. Whether you’re a working
parent trying to balance keeping food on the table, shuttling kids back and
forth from their many activities, and keeping up with laundry, dishes, and
everything else it takes to maintain a home; a young single adult trying to get
through college courses and still have a social life; or a high school student
navigating the awkward teenage years and going back and forth between the
aforementioned activities that keep your parents’ heads spinning, the increase
in secular activity during this time often makes it easy to let some of the
seemingly less pressing spiritual aspects
slip through the cracks. So how can we balance our various activities and
obligations and still keep Christ at the center of our lives and homes during
this busy time?
Elder Richard G Scott of the Quorum
of the Twelve Apostles defines a Christ-centered home as one “where the gospel is taught,
covenants are kept, and love abounds.”[i] Below are 5 simple things we can do during the school year to fulfill our
many secular responsibilities while still successfully building this kind of
1. Prioritize the "Primary Answers"
Walk into any LDS church building and ask the first person
you see (man, woman, or child) to give you the “primary answers” and I bet they
would say—“read your scriptures, pray, and go to church!” A few might even add,
“Hold weekly family
home evening”. We call these the “Primary” answers because they are some of
the first principles that LDS children are taught in their Sunday school classes
(referred to as “Primary”)—and for good reason. In the same talk referenced
above, Elder Richard G. Scott taught
that these activities “are the essential, weight-bearing beams in
the construction of a Christ-centered home” and that “without these regular
practices it will be difficult to find the desired and much-needed peace and
refuge from the world.”[ii]
So, making these practices a priority is perhaps the best way to keep our lives
and homes centered on Christ during any time of the year. The key word here is
“priority”. To really reap the benefits, we have to take care of them first; then everything else will fall
into place. As Linda S. Reeves of the Relief Society General
Presidency put it, “It is OK if the house is a mess and the
children are still in their pajamas and some responsibilities are left undone.
The only things that really need to be accomplished in the home are daily
scripture study and prayer and weekly family home evening!”[iii]
2. Disconnect to Connect
My wife and I love to go out to eat together. A short time
ago we were at a restaurant chatting while we waited for our entrees when I
looked over and saw a young man and woman at a two-person table on what seemed
like a date. I had to laugh as we watched them for several minutes both staring
down into their laps, texting or tweeting or something, not saying a single
word to each other. “Wow,” I commented to my wife, “that must be some date.”
This kind of thing is typical of the world we live in—one that has been completely
overrun by technology. Between our laptops, smart phones, and tablets, technology
comes with us wherever we go and it seems like we spend most of our day staring
at screens and checking electronic devices. Unfortunately, our compulsion to
stay ‘connected’ often distances us from the people right next to us,
especially our families, which also inhibits us from developing a home where
the Spirit of the Lord dwells. And these kinds of distractions only increase as
the school year starts up. The solution? DISCONNECT! The Family Proclamation
states, “Successful marriages and families are established and maintained on
principles of faith, prayer, repentance, forgiveness, respect, love,
compassion, work, and wholesome
recreational activities” (emphasis added). So make home time, family
time—get off your tablet and have a meal together, or go for a family walk and
leave that pesky phone behind. Studies have shown that families that regularly spend
this kind of time together, free from technological distractions, reap
incredible benefits.[iv]
3. Use Technology to Your Advantage
At this point, I know what you’re thinking. It’s easy to say
we should disconnect from technology, but we’ll eventually have to come back to
it. What then? If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em, right? Well, sort of, but not
exactly. Rather than becoming a slave to technology, use it to your advantage!
With the great access to information that our devices provide, things like the
scriptures and General Conference talks are never more than a finger tap away.
Personally, I’ve found that, rather than checking my email first thing when I
get into the office, I’m able to better sense the Spirit in my life (and my day
goes a whole lot smoother) if I open
and do my scripture study. Speaking to the youth, Elder Richard G. Scott said,
“If you young people
would review a verse of scripture as often as some of you send text messages,
you could soon have hundreds of passages of scripture memorized. Those passages
would prove to be a powerful source of inspiration and guidance by the Holy
Ghost in times of need.”[v]
The same goes for all of us. While we will inevitably have to use technology
for secular things, if we make a point to also use it as a source of spiritual
strength (and teach our children to do the same), we are much more likely to
have lives and homes that are filled by the Spirit of the Lord.
4. Make Time to Serve
In the New Testament, Christ taught, “For whosoever will save his
life shall lose it: but whosoever will lose his life for my sake, the same
shall save it” (Luke 9:24). Coming from the source of all truth and life, it
seems to me that this is a pretty awesome promise. It’s easy to get so wrapped
up in our own lives that we forget why we’re really here and what He would have
us do. But making the sacrifice to get outside of ourselves and serve is one of
the quickest and surest ways to bring things back into perspective. While we
can’t all volunteer at soup kitchens or work with Habitat
for Humanity every day, making the effort to engage in service projects at
least every few months can be incredibly edifying. Connecting this with point
#2, this time can be even more beneficial if we also use it as an opportunity
to bond with other members of our family. Serving together will help to “knit [our hearts] together in
unity and in love one towards another” (Mosiah 18: 21). Further
connecting this to point #3, with tools like the Internet, serving doesn’t even
always require leaving our home. For instance, doing family history work together
and preparing names for proxy
ordinances in the Temple
is one way we can regularly serve inside our homes, while also learning things
that will bring us closer together. Whatever type of service you decide on,
though, the most important thing is just to do it; because “when ye are in the service of
your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God” (Mosiah 2:17).
5. Set Spiritual SMART Goals
We had a tradition in my family growing up where, every year
at the start of school, all the kids would sit down with my Dad to set goals
for what we wanted to accomplish and receive father’s
blessings. When I was really young, my goals usually consisted of things
like “be a good boy at school” or “don’t tease my little sister so much”, but
as I matured I learned to set more specific goals that would stretch me to
develop myself in every aspect of my life—academic, social, physical, and
spiritual. Comparing the times when I have set goals to others when I’ve failed
to do so has reinforced for me the truth of the anonymous quote, “An unwritten goal is merely a
wish”. So it is with this list. It’s one thing to say you want to keep Christ
at the center of your life and home, but it’s a whole other thing to actually
make it happen. Setting goals related to each of the previous points (or others
that are more pertinent to your specific situation) can push you to follow
through. And beyond simply setting goals, making sure that they’re SMART
(Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-based) or even SMARTER (by
regularly Evaluating and Reevaluating those goals) can help you reach those
goals completely and consistently.
So now that you’ve gotten through this list, and hopefully
had some ideas of your own, are you ready to take the next step? The school
year isn’t going to wait for you, go make it happen!
For more on this topic, I’d recommend you read: