8 amazing quotes from LDS women at General Conference

Women in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have been meeting together for over 172 years. What started out as a meeting of 20 women has grown to an organization of over 6 million women in 170 countries.

Almost a year ago, the First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints made the historic announcement that instead of having two separate annual meetings for the Relief Society and Young Women, they would combine the two and have a twice-yearly general women's meeting. All women, young women and girls ages 8 and over are invited to attend this meeting, which takes place the Saturday before General Conference. The next General Women's Meeting takes place this Saturday at 7 p.m. CDT and can be viewed online or in LDS Stake centers.

We invite you to attend the meeting this Saturday. Here are eight meaningful quotes from past general conference and women's meetings to help inspire and uplift you.

1. Sheri L. Dew, 2nd counselor in Relief Society General Presidency from 1997-2002 

   “Are We Not All Mothers?” — General Relief Society Meeting, Sept. 2001

"Motherhood is not what was left over after our Father blessed His sons with priesthood ordination. It was the most ennobling endowment He could give His daughters, a sacred trust that gave women an unparalleled role in helping His children keep their second estate. As President J. Reuben Clark Jr. declared, motherhood is ‘as divinely called, as eternally important in its place as the Priesthood itself.’”

“Recent horrifying events in the United States have underscored the fact that we live in a world of uncertainty. Never has there been a greater need for righteous mothers—mothers who bless their children with a sense of safety, security and confidence about the future, mothers who teach their children where to find peace and truth and that the power of Jesus Christ is always stronger than the power of the adversary. Every time we build the faith or reinforce the nobility of a young woman or man, every time we love or lead anyone even one small step along the path, we are true to our endowment and calling as mothers and in the process we build the kingdom of God. No woman who understands the gospel would ever think that any other work is more important or would ever say, ‘I am just a mother,’ for mothers heal the souls of men.” 
Read and watch it here.

2. Elaine. S. Dalton, Young Women General President from 2008-2013 

   “A Return to Virtue” — October 2008 General Conference

“I truly believe that one virtuous young woman or young man, led by the Spirit, can change the world, but in order to do so, we must return to virtue. We must engage in strict training. As the marathon runner Juma Ikangaa said after winning the New York Marathon, “The will to win is nothing without the will to prepare.” Now is the time to prepare by exercising more self-discipline. Now is the time to become “more fit for the kingdom.” Now is the time to set our course and focus on the finish. A return to virtue must begin individually in our hearts and in our homes."

Read and watch it here.

3. Ann M. Dibb, 2nd Counselor in the Young Women General Presidency, 2008-2013 

   "I know it. I Live It. I Love It." — October 2012 General Conference

"A few years ago, I was in line to make a purchase at my local grocery store. Ahead of me stood a young woman, about 15 years old. She appeared confident and happy. I noticed her T-shirt and couldn’t resist talking to her. I began, “You’re from out of state, aren’t you?”

She was surprised by my question and replied, 'Yes, I am. I’m from Colorado. How did you know?'

I explained, 'Because of your T-shirt.' I made my accurate supposition after reading the words on her shirt, 'I’m a Mormon. Are you?'

I continued, 'I must tell you that I’m impressed by your confidence to stand out and wear such a bold declaration. I see a difference in you, and I wish every young woman and every member of the Church could have your same conviction and confidence.' Our purchases completed, we said good-bye and parted.

Yet for days and weeks after this random everyday moment, I found myself seriously reflecting upon this encounter. I wondered how this young girl from Colorado came to possess such confidence in her identity as a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I couldn’t help but wonder what meaningful phrase I would figuratively choose to have printed on my T-shirt reflecting my belief and testimony. In my mind, I considered many possible sayings. Eventually, I came upon an ideal statement I would proudly wear: 'I’m a Mormon. I know it. I live it. I love it.'"

Read and watch it here.

4. Chieko Okazaki, 1st counselor in the Relief Socity General Presidency, 1990-1997 

   "Baskets and Bottles" — April 1996 General Conference

"The doctrines of the gospel are indispensable. They are essential, but the packaging is optional. Let me share a simple example to show the difference between the doctrines of the Church and the cultural packaging. Here is a bottle of Utah peaches, prepared by a Utah homemaker to feed her family during a snowy season. Hawaiian homemakers don’t bottle fruit. They pick enough fruit for a few days and store it in baskets like this for their families. This basket contains a mango, bananas, a pineapple, and a papaya. I bought these fruits in a supermarket in Salt Lake City, but they might have been picked by a Polynesian homemaker to feed her family in a climate where fruit ripens all year round.

The basket and the bottle are different containers, but the content is the same: fruit for a family. Is the bottle right and the basket wrong? No, they are both right. They are containers appropriate to the culture and the needs of the people. And they are both appropriate for the content they carry, which is the fruit.

Now, what is the fruit? Paul tells us: 'The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, [and] temperance.' In the sisterhood of Relief Society, in the brotherhood of priesthood quorums, in the reverent coming together to partake of the sacrament, the fruit of the Spirit unites us in love, joy, and peace whether the Relief Society is in Taipei or Tonga, whether the priesthood quorum is in Montana or Mexico, and whether the sacrament meeting is in Fiji or the Philippines."

Read and watch it here.

5. Elaine L. Jack, Relief Socity General President, 1990-1997

   "A Small Stone" — April 1997 General Conference

"Our offerings embrace both the work we do and the heart with which we do it. The Lord calls this 'a broken heart and a contrite spirit.' This union constitutes the soul. Amaleki spoke of offering “your whole souls” to Jesus Christ. Brothers and sisters, the time is past when we can merely believe in this gospel; we must be passionate in our belief and in our commitment to Jesus Christ and His plan. We must know, unequivocally, that He is with us, that He will guide and direct us. In His name we shape our offering. For the past few years I have represented all the women of this Church, a far-reaching responsibility. I believe that the Lord will measure my efforts by my heart and my spirit, as He does yours."

Read and watch it here.

6. Bonnie L. Oscarson, Young Women General President, 2013-present 

   "Sisterhood: Oh, How We Need Each Other" — April 2014 General Conference

"We as women can be particularly hard on ourselves. When we compare ourselves to one another, we will always feel inadequate or resentful of others. Sister Patricia T. Holland once said, 'The point is, we simply cannot call ourselves Christian and continue to judge one another—or ourselves—so harshly.' She goes on to say that there is nothing that is worth us losing our compassion and sisterhood over. We just need to relax and rejoice in our divine differences. We need to realize that we all desire to serve in the kingdom, using our unique talents and gifts in our own ways. Then we can enjoy our sisterhood and our associations and begin to serve.

The fact of the matter is, we really and truly need each other. Women naturally seek friendship, support, and companionship. We have so much to learn from one another, and we often let self-imposed barriers keep us from enjoying associations which could be among the greatest blessings in our lives. For example, we women who are a little older need what you Primary-age girls have to offer. We can learn much from you about Christlike service and love."

Read and watch it here.

7. Chieko Okazaki, "Rejoice in Every Good Thing" — October 1991 General Conference

"Again, look around the room you are in. Do you see women of different ages, races, or different backgrounds in the Church? Of different educational, marital, and professional experiences? Women with children? Women without children? Women of vigorous health and those who are limited by chronic illness or handicaps? Rejoice in the diversity of our sisterhood! It is the diversity of colors in a spectrum that makes a rainbow. It is the diversity in our circumstances that gives us compassionate hearts. It is the diversity of our spiritual gifts that benefits the Church."
Read and watch it here.

Editor's note: the following quote was given by Sister Oscarson in June 2014 on her Facebook page and is included in this list because of its powerful message.

8. Bonnie L. Oscarson, June 2014, Facebook post

“All of us as sisters in the gospel have the responsibility and privilege to support and nourish one another. We have all committed to be disciples of Jesus Christ, and this discipleship should be at the heart of all that we do. Each of us is in a different place in our spiritual journey. Some may struggle with testimony. Some have questions or wrestle with the pressures and trials of life. Those who are struggling for whatever reason should be able to find within our sisterhood a spirit of warmth, inclusion, and love.

Occasionally, some of our brothers and sisters may find themselves away from the fold because of personal choices. Without condoning those choices, it is important to remember the Savior’s message of leaving the ninety and nine safely in the fold and reaching out with love, with kindness, and with compassion to the one. We can demonstrate that compassion by ensuring that our communications with one another are respectful and kind.”

Read and watch it here.

What are some of your favorite talks or quotes given by women in General Conference? Let us know in the comments!