In 1988, I was called to serve as
a counselor in a bishopric for the first time. My remarkable bishop taught two principles that I have never forgotten.
First, Jesus is the Christ. Every day of our lives, we must
reflect his love, his mercy, his sacrifice, and especially his Atoning gift
that he gave to us all by our actions and service to others.
Second, charity. This bishop believed in always showing love
for our fellow man through giving ourselves in unconditional service to
others. Serving the people of our ward
was a top priority, so I was not surprised by the idea this bishop had for our
first Christmas as a bishopric.
In October, just a few months
after we had been called to serve, the bishop wanted to bring these two
principles to the people of our ward through a Christmas gift. The main purpose of one meeting was to think
of specific ways we could serve the members of the ward and teach them of
Christ. Since our first Christmas as a bishopric was only a few months away, the
bishop wanted us to conceive a gift that we could give to the members of our ward
to help them focus on the Savior during the Christmas season. He asked us to go home and pray for
inspiration for ideas on what we could do.